Privacy Policy

In accordance with the directive (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016, (RGPD), and other laws currently in force, you are informed that the personal data obtained as a consequence of the present relationship will be included in the files of  LIBERTAS 7, S.A.

In compliance with RGPD Directive (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of, 27 April 2016, regarding the protection of people’s personal data, and the free circulation of such data, and following the repeal of Directive  95/46/CE (General regulations concerning the protection of data) and in compliance with Law 15/1999 referring to personal data and  Law 34/2002 of the Information Society (LSSICE) we inform you that:

Who is in charge of dealing with your data? The data obtained Will be dealt with by

LIBERTAS 7, S.A., with Tax Number: A46007449 located at C/ Caballeros 36, C.P. 46001, Valencia, for the purposes of sending you publicity and offering services and in general, information of a business nature that might interest you.

What is the justification for dealing with your personal data? The legal basis for this activity is the consent given by you in accepting the terms of this privacy policy. Such consent may be withdrawn at any time by writing to the above address.

The purpose of using this data is to manage and maintain contact through any medium, including electronic, the information you have requested, as well as information about our property promotions and commercial communication.

To whom do we communicate your personal data?

The data is only shared within LIBERTAS 7, S.A. Your personal data is not shared with third parties, except where a legal obligation to do so exists.

Nevertheless, when the marketing is carried out by an external agent pursuant to a prior marketing contract, your personal data may be transferred to said agent. This transfer will be made exclusively for the purpose of enabling the development of the contractual relationship and the marketing of the product.

How long will we keep your personal data?

The time limit will be determined by the relationship maintained between us. We will keep the data for the time necessary to provide the services requested and/or to achieve the purposes of the dealings pursued.

Afterwards, as long as you have not expressed a desire to delete the data, it will be maintained during the period of time legally required in each case, depending on the kind of data, as well as the purpose of maintain them, in order to comply with legal requirements.

What are your rights?

You have the right to access, rectify, delete, oppose or take away such data by communicating in writing to LIBERTAS 7, S.A. at: C/ Caballeros 36, C.P. 46001, Valencia, explaining which right you wish to exercise, including a photocopy of your ID or any legal document that demonstrates your identity.

At the same time, we inform you that it is your right to make use of the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish data protection agency) through its website

In accordance with Law 34/2002, of the 11th July, referring to services of the information society and e-commerce (LSSI), LIBERTAS 7, S.A., as data handler informs you that it may use the e-mail addresses provided by you to keep you informed about commercial novelties and offers. You give your consent to your e-mail address(es) being used for this specific purpose.

Should you not wish to receive information, we would ask you to tell us so by e-mailing us at


The texts, images and other contents included in this website belong to Libertas 7, S.A. Any transmission, distribution, reproduction or storage, whether total or partial, must have the previous consent in writing, unless otherwise stated.

The reproduction, copying, public communication, distribution, manipulation or any other use is, in any case totally forbidden without the previous written authorisation of Libertas 7, S.A.

This website contains links to other sites, for which Libertas 7, S.A. accepts no responsibility regarding the contents nor any other aspect or feature of such sites.

Libertas 7, S.A. reserves the right, without previous warning to modify the characteristics, specifications or prices of its products, as with any other type of information contained within, and is not obliged by any kind of guarantee whatsoever. Libertas 7, S.A. takes no responsibility for any damage, direct or indirect that may be caused by the accuracy, completeness or veracity of such information, or of the use which may be made of it.

All the information and data on the site has been obtained from trustworthy sources and refers exclusively to Spain or the European Union. Libertas 7, S.A. reserves the right to modify, without prior warning, any information included herein, and is not tied to any guarantee whatsoever.

Any information, idea or material of any nature which is sent to Libertas 7, S.A. by the user will be considered public and not confidential, and may be used freely by Libertas 7, S.A.

Under no circumstances will the user who accesses this website be understood to have obtained a licence or authorisation for its use, apart from the strictly personal, of any content, information or service on the aforesaid site, nor any right related to it, particularly intellectual or industrial property.